The strengths of our Flight School
- Experienced Flight Instructors operating on a full-time basis. The student is followed by the same Flight Instructor for at least one entire training phase to ensure maximum training continuity.
- Extensive fleet consisting only of American Cessna and Piper aircraft that have represented top quality and reliability for decades and are used by the best flight schools worldwide. Our aircraft are kept in top condition by our certified maintenance facility.
- Over the years, the Flight School has implemented a punctual follow-up system that enables all its students to achieve training success with the best results. Airline selection managers have repeatedly expressed their appreciation for the professionalism achieved by the Aeroclub Varese pilots they employ.
- It is the first school in Italy to be certified in the AREA 100 KSA within the new frontier of skill-based training. The school also received the appreciation of ENAC, which asked Aeroclub di Varese to organise ad hoc training for the heads of other national flight schools.
- It is the only Italian Flight School to collaborate with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The managers of Aeroclub Varese belong to a dedicated EASA task force (together with those of the Lufthansa Aviation Training and Airbus Flight Academy schools only) that is studying new rules to be applied in the INTEGRATED ATP courses. Aeroclub Varese’s training model has been taken as a reference at European level.
- The Multi Crew Cooperation training course conducted by Aeroclub Varese is of the Enhanced type. This allows cadets to be trained on the simulator of a large, high-performance twin-engine jet. This training is of the highest quality and allows the cadet to have the highest chance of passing selection in the simulator at the airline.
- Within the course, specific training is organised to prepare for psycho-aptitude selections and group games in a manner similar to what is offered by the airlines during selections.