The Aeroclub dedicated to Arturo Ferrarin
Founded in 1948, the Aeroclub of Varese plays a primary role in pilot training in Italy.
The origin of Venegono Airport lies in the royal decree that in the 1930s decided to build a first ‘landing airstrip’ for troops on the site. A few officers and a handful of soldiers were housed in the metal barracks. For the first few years, there is no news of any particular events. It was the events of the war that changed the situation, especially when Milan began to be attacked by the allied formations. The Venegono camp was thus promoted to the headquarters of a night hunting squadron.
It consisted of six Fiat CR.42 aircraft, old-fashioned biplanes that could do little against the more modern Allied planes, but they did their duty. Only later were the Fiats joined by Reggiane Re.2001 fighters, also suitable for night hunting. After 8 September, the camp was occupied by German and Italian Social Republic units.
Thus Venegono became home to the Buscaglia Aerosilurant Group, which had ten SM.79s at its disposal. After a couple of missions against Allied ships, the Group was transferred to Lonate Pozzolo. At the end of the conflict, the runway was first used by gliding enthusiasts, then by the Aeronautica Macchi, which found it convenient to transfer the activities that it had previously managed around Malpensa here. Assuming the role of an airport, the Venegono facility was christened ‘Arturo Ferrarin’.

The leap in quality
The qualitative leap, rather than the events of the war, was brought about by Macchi itself, which began to move and build important facilities here as early as 1946. Here, for example, landed the dozens of Vampire fighters that Macchi had been ordered to overhaul.
The test flights of all the aircraft that have made the Varese company’s most recent fortune were carried out here. Such was the case with the MB 326, initiator of a successful series of advanced jet trainers.
And it was the availability of this runway, together with the difficulties in expanding the facilities encountered in Varese, that convinced Macchi to make the total and definitive relocation of the company to Venegono. This transfer was completed in the summer of 1993.
Over the years, the Club has become one of Italy’s most important flying schools thanks to a well-organised activity, carried out safely and continuously by qualified flight instructors.
The following is an extract from the Club’s Statute
The following is an excerpt of the regulations governing relations between the Club and its Members.
- Members are required to respect all equipment, premises and outdoor spaces of the Aero Club.
- Access to the aircraft apron is restricted to Members and their guests, upon notification to the secretariat.
- It is forbidden to introduce vehicles on the apron reserved for aircraft parking and in general in the area of airport maneuvering.
- The Member who is Pilot-in Command is responsible for the safety of the aircraft and its passengers; he or she must instruct guests on safety procedures to be adopted within the areas where operational activities of the Club are present.
- The aircraft and/or instructor fees are applied as according to the published table.
The full content of the regulation is available in the secure area of our website.
The following is an extract from the Club’s Statute
Constitution and purpose – Art 01
An Association named “AERO CLUB VARESE” is constituted and established in Venegono Inferiore (VA), at the Airport A.Ferrarin.
The Aero Club (AeC) exercises a non-profitable organization of recreational, educational, touristic and promotional activities in the field of flight or gliding and of acrobatics with aircraft or gliders, of recreational flights or for sport with devices with or without engines, of flights in a free or powered balloon, constructed aeronautically by amateurs, or by restoration of a historic aircraft, of skydiving and of aircraft modelling. These activities are defined further on with the word “Speciality” followed by its specification.
In particular the Aero Club must pursue, within the framework of the activities referred to in the preceding paragraph, the formation of an aviation consciousness among youth.
Furthermore the Aero Club promotes and encourages all other forms of activities within the field of aviation, voluntary work and in any other sector. It carries out aviation propaganda, promotes the culture of aviation and collaborates with the local public authorities on the study or solving of problems that affect it.
The Aero Club is an Amateur Sports Association and, as such, cannot predict or make, even indirectly, distribution of profits, operating surpluses, funds, reserves and capital. Any surpluses from commercial activities which are legally permitted and managed in separate accounts must be re-invested in the expansion of statutory activities.
The Aero Club is subject to private law and may also take the form of a limited liability company with Statutes that expressly exclude financial gain, understood as a ban of distribution of interest, even indirectly.
The full content of the regulation is available in the secure area of our website.
In accordance with the new CONI provisions on the “Regulations for the prevention and combating of abuse, violence and discrimination against members – Safeguarding Regulations” Aeroclub di Varese Asd has appointed Pietro Zanzi as Safeguarding Manager. The Head of Safeguarding is deputed to watch over the physical and moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen and to oppose any kind of abuse, violence and discrimination against members.
Membership Contribution
Annual Membership Contribution for the Aeroclub’s membership categories
The contribution is per calendar year; a Member joining during a year that has already begun will pay only the portion of the contribution divided into twelfths for the remaining months. Renew your membership before 30 January to avoid having to pay the Entry Fee again.
Category | Amount |
Pilot Member | Euro 1.300 |
Standard Member | Euro 500 |
Standard Student Member | Euro 300 |
Aircraft Modeler Member | Euro 100 |
Entrance Fee Pilots | Euro 500 |
Occasional Member | Euro 500 |